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Ryan Kellam

This covid victim must be saved...

3 more Sundays.

After serving at PCHOG for 645 Sundays, Suzanne and I only have 3 left.

Our final year at PCHOG was defined by COVID-19. Of all the struggles I've had in ministry, COVID tops the list by a long shot.

Some good actually came out of this horrible season and we did survive as a church, but we're missing ONE thing that we need for the next season of ministry. This one thing is a victim of COVID that must be saved.

Covid has screwed up a lot of stuff in the world. Millions of victims and countless stories of loss and disappointment. Families and marriages hit peak struggles. Students, kids, teachers, parents, pastors, employees, healthcare workers, retail...the list goes on and on. But there's hope to revive this one victim of COVID that MUST be saved.

This weekend our church is undergoing an assessment as part of our process in finding our next pastor. Today a handful of you did interviews and filled out assessment forms. Tomorrow on Sunday (6/13/2021) I hope you'll all participate in filling out a few surveys. This is your chance to give your thoughts and opinions about the church. This is your chance to provide feedback and an honest look at how we're doing and who we are as a body.

After doing an interview with the TIPS assessment director today and seeing a few of you coming and going at the church, I came to the conclusion (from my perspective as your pastor) that if there was ONE thing you could focus on as a church to bring health and vitality. One thing that will increase joy and contentment. One thing that will renew your strength and passion. One thing that will renew the body of believers and the Pendleton Church of God. That ONE THING is something that COVID nearly killed.

The COVID victim that needs to be revived is FELLOWSHIP.

I know. It's an old boring churchy word. But fellowship of the believers is what Jesus hung on a cross for. Fellowship is so powerful that there's an enemy who seeks to dismantle it at every turn. Fellowship is more than a handshake or a meal together. Fellowship is something that Jesus and the disciples decided was worth dying for.

COVID nearly killed fellowship. Stripped us of connections.

Now is the time for us to dedicate our days reviving fellowship. The best part is that it's not complicated.

Fellowship is showing up.

Can you do that? For your family? For your church?

The answer is yes. Yes you can.

If you're anxious or concerned about where our beloved church is headed. If you don't know what you can do to help or support, here's my answer.

Show up. When you all commit to showing up, the Holy Spirit will do the rest.

Because when you show up...the Holy Spirit shows up. You bring Him with you.


It's an old boring churchy word.

I believe it's also the remedy for a multitude of problems.

I can't wait to see what God will do!

See you at church,

Pastor Ryan

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